The problem is, Pure paladin doesn’t have easy and reliable ways to get the right cards in their hand at the right time (unless they start with all of them, not likely).ĭropping a Libram of Hope on turn 6 is much better than dropping it on turn 9 because you are likely dead by 9 against face hunter. It’s simply the better of the two meta Paladin builds imo.Ī large portion of Paladin’s power counts on you getting libram discounts as fast as possible.

Side note: Broom Paladin is also favored against Pure Paladin builds once you get the hang of it. If you lose the board early, it’s just very hard to get it back against hunter’s. Pure Paladin just doesn’t have reliable ways to contest the board early if they don’t get their early drops. Not only can you match their damage, you also have board clears and residual healing tacked into your kit through soul fragments/warblades.Īlternatively, if you enjoy Paladin then you might try ‘Broom Paladin’ which is much more effective against early aggro decks.Īlthough the Broom variant requires Lady Liadrin as the win-con. It’s a cheap deck that is very effective against aggro/face hunter. It sounds like this hunter deck is almost too fast for my Pure Paladin atm so losses will be abundant against it. To your point, I could try running a Broom Paladin or maybe Murloc Paladin but I am fairly new (started Tuesday and went from rank 40-12 now) so it takes a long time to get the cards. If I can get past turn 4 relatively healthy, I can turn it around but it seems like I just can’t get there. Maybe running some straight heals could help but with how my deck is built, removing something for a heal might make it detrimental and I would have to change up the whole deck. What would a lot of heals mean as well? I’ve got two minions that give me weapons for healing as well as an 8 heal, 8/8 taunt (which I almost can never get to unless I make it past about turn 4). I have pretty balanced acrossed all costs for minions which might make it harder against the hunters. How many taunts would be a lot of taunts? Currently I run 6 but they are 5 cost, 6, and 9 (if I don’t count Reducing cost of Libraems or however they are spelled). TLDR How do you deal with an aggro hunter that can constantly put out tons of minions as a Pure Paladin? Or is this some sort of hard counter? I am not sure if I play more that I will have better draws at some point or if this is just a thing I have to get use it.

I can deal with most other aggro decks easily (haven’t played much besides a rogue/tons and tons of demon hunters) but for some reason I cannot handle the hunters. For the 7 losses, I just couldn’t deal with the constant minion pressure and couldn’t draw any sort of taunt, Hand of A’dal to beef up my minions and sat for almost two turns doing nothing but using my hero power. I am 2-7 against the deck where the two I won were because I drew my Aldor Attendant + Hand of A’dal in the first two turns to really push out some of their minions right away and put them on their heels. I have been playing with this setup for 42 games now and I am struggling with one specific deck which is the Aggro/Face hunter deck. First, I am playing as a Pure Paladin running essentially the top used deck according to HSReplay minus the Lady Liadrin (Close to getting it) so to replace that, I just have a shotbot in there (maybe I should have something else but I am not sure what as I rarely draw shotbot anyways). I am not sure if this is the correct forum/category.